Friday, June 8, 2007

Summertime, and the Livin' is...

Look at me, riding the bipolar express!

Just a few days ago I was so sad thinking about all the departures, and now I'm excited about some things coming up! We're having a real-live, hootin' and hollerin' barn dance right here! A couple other guys and I are cleaning up our empty sheep barn to host a contra-dance next week. Who here has ever been to a barn dance? I can't wait!

And last night was soccer! This game in particular was very frustrating for me, but I have to appreciate that we get to play twice a week. There's a lot of interest in that now, so we generally have a big crowd of people to play.

And I milked cows this morning. Ah, I do so love my milking shift on Friday mornings. So different from my kitchen work, milking is my chance to be alone with a task for a while and do something out of the ordinary. It's funny that having grown up on a dairy farm, I had to leave home and start working in a kitchen before I ever milked cows on a regular basis.

So that's a slice of my life here. So much to do and enjoy, I often marvel at my luck to have found such a place. Come visit, we like to share!


Anonymous said...

Funny... I've been trying to keep up with your recent, quick blogging pace... and finally- something I can really relate to-- milking cows! Thinking back- as much as it was a pain... there was a true sense of satisfaction after completing the task, even if it was the 729th time you did it that year. Kinda like mowing the grass- if you can relate! Anyway- I must say that your anticipation of travels is making me anxious for you. I can't wait to read about your voyage as you write about it. Just the idea of rambling without a plan is an adventure in itself. As much as we may think you are crazy- in reality- mostly we wish we had the courage to do what you have/will! Wayfare away!

TSOldtimer said...

Welcome, Cuz! Good to hear that someone else out there is reading this. It makes me feel like I'm actually keeping in touch with people. By the way, WHO THINKS I'M CRAZY?! I want names!

Unknown said...

When you first sent out the invitation to read this blog.... Honestly- H and I thought you were a little looney!

Now I'm hooked!

And just for the record- no one actually says "he's crazy".... its just implied when we speak of the cuz that's up in New England on that "Farm". ;-)

Funny that you are bailing square bales... something I did not have to do!... only the big round ones. Kinda a paradox... I'd say you are more of a round and I more square!

and just for fun- verification word "ixgoa"... that should seriously be a word!

Anonymous said...

Well we definately are our father's sons. I agree with you though. I loved milking cows. God let me tell ya, waking up at the butt crack of dawn to go work in a smelly, freezing cold barn, every day of the week and having barely any social life outside of my family and band. Not to mention the smell of my clothes and all the bruises on my arms from being kicked. Wow it was great, thanks for bringing up those fond memories. Love ya
