Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

On the last day, we left Manhattan by walking out on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Then we took the subway back in. Romantic, huh? Actually, the walk was beautiful. It’s one of those free, touristy things that can be done pretty easily in the city. And while there were many people doing it, I wonder how many denizens take the time to enjoy it. The Bridge itself wasn’t that long; we walked across in less than an hour with a bunch of stops to stare at the river and the great suspenders.

I think our crossing was a good way to bring closure to the weekend. It had purpose and direction, much unlike a good deal of the rest of our weekend. Particularly Saturday, which we spent wandering Central Park trying to find, first Bec (“I’ll be at the southeast entrance”),
and then Moo’s family (“we’re at the corner of 79th and 5th. Look for white balloons”). We wondered several times just how many people come to the City and say such silly things as, “I’ll meet you in Central Park!” and then never see each other again. Everything in New York is big, from the attractions to the hoards of people to even the intersections of streets. You better be damn sure you know the latitude and longitude for your meeting point or you are screwed.

I appreciated having that weekend of aimless wandering through the concrete jungle, however. It was exciting navigating the subway system and seeing so many things my eyes lost focus. And knowing and meeting up with so many people who lived there made us feel like we lived there, too, if for a short time. It became our City, and just that little bit of familiarity made me feel strong and motivated.


Monster Librarian said...

Good, I am glad that the time offered you perspective. :) And I know exactly what you mean about Central Park.

Bridges have suspensions...not suspenders...those of what Steve Urkel used to wear. I have to know these things since my brother is going to work on stuff like that one day. :)

Kt said...

Oh, snap, you did one of the missed things on my list! I shake my fist in your general direction!

Someday, Brooklyn Bridge, someday...
