Monday, June 11, 2007

a meme for youyou

I’ve been tagged! Thanks, Mummy; you’re a peach. I guess what this means is I have to answer this question five times and ask some other bloggers I know to do the same. Here goes.

Why do you blog? Give five answers:

1. I started blogging to hold myself accountable, once and for all, for doing some much needed adventuring. I figure if I tell everybody out there I’m going to do it, and they’re expecting to read about it, I gotta go!

2. So far, it’s been the most efficient way I can come up with to let my friends and family know what I’ve been up to. I’m hopeless at emailing and calling regularly.

3. I need practice writing.

4. Everybody else is doing it.

5. I need ANOTHER thing to occupy my already limited time for at least two weeks before I get too fed-up to remember to keep doing it.

KT and Lynds: Tag! You’re it!

PS – How’s the place look? Are the pictures showing up ok? Anybody having any funniness with colors or anything? Are things looking clean and easy to wander into? And send me some comments sometime! I’d love to know who’s out there!

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