Saturday, August 25, 2007


You all remember Luna, right? Well, she loved it here so much she left me a parting gift.


And they're hungry. I've vacuumed, washed my blankets, and still they persist. I think I can maybe starve them out-- I only sleep here, really. But the problem is they get so hungry during the day they just leap upon my legs with no mercy the moment I walk in the door. It's quite unnerving, really.

I don't know which is more disturbing: that I have fleas in my house, or that they are so visibly active.

Any suggestions? Or should I just move out?


Amos said...

OH no! Maybe you should just buy the bug bomb stuff and sleep at CC's for a few nights until the fumes dissipate. :-)

Kt said...

Fleas can somehow survive in an unoccupied house for months (says I, from childhood experience) so your attempts to starve them out may work only after they've sucked you dry.

I'm with Amy. The only thing I've ever seen get rid of an infestation is a flea bomb. One should be enough for your place.

Bad luck! You should read "The Hiding Place" to see how God can use fleas as a blessing!
