Friday, July 6, 2007

the rabid cat, revisited

I think someone is getting a little stir-crazy.

It seems Luna has decided that, since I'm not home during most of the day, the best way she has to show me her affection and appreciation is to shower me with requests to be put out while I'm trying to sleep. Particularly in the wee hours.

She's a very vocal cat; her MO is to growl as she prowls about. The growling usually means nothing more than, "hello there," or, "is it tea time yet?" or, "you're in the room, so here you go." But then she decided that incessant meowing would better get my attention.

That being mostly ineffective (I know she's there, I just can't put her out as she would like), she's taken to scratching at my furniture. These are definitely calculated attempts. I can count the number of yowls it takes before she decides to have at my couch.

But last night, she tried a new trick. It involved leaping first to the window sill above the head of my bed (keep in mind her schedule here), talking to the glass a while, and then pawing at the screen that's at the top of the open window (I open some of my windows in reverse due to the bunker-like nature of part of my house). My favorite part, however, was when she decided to leap to the screen and hang on with all her kitty might until she just had to fall onto my face. I think she has a learning disability; she tried this trick at least three times.

Thank goodness the cows were a little more well-behaved this morning; I'm not sure I could handle one of them deciding to sit on my face at 6:30 am.


Monster Librarian said...

So many places I could go with that...but I am not going to touch it.

Your pain made me laugh today, and that felt good. :)

Good talking to you last night. I miss summer at the farm...sigh...will let you know soon about possible rendezvous in Buffalo.

Monster Librarian said...

This cluster map idea is I am going to start clicking on your site a hundred times a day so I can see my dot get bigger. Ha ha ha!

TSOldtimer said...

I'm glad my pain could make you laugh; that's what it's there for ;-) Isn't the cluster map a neat thing? I stole it from Mummy Dearest. I have three international readers! At least, I did yesterday...
