Wednesday, July 11, 2007

in my mind i'm going to pennsylvania

Why do I do this to myself?

In one week, I’m taking ten days off from work. That’s a two-week vacation. This is the longest vacation I’ve taken since I’ve been at the Farm and I’m just now planning how I’m going to spend it.

I’d considered flying to Oregon to see KT for a bit. It would be nice to see the Pacific Northwest, not to mention visit with an old friend from the Farm in her natural habitat. I’d love to be guided around a new place. But by the time I got my ducks in a row, all the flights were too expensive. So instead, I’ll be spending two weeks in beautiful, exotic…

Pennsylvania. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and I’m very excited to see a bunch of old friends again. I hope. The catch is that I have to figure out how to arrange all the jigsaw puzzle pieces of my trip together in order to make all that happen. Two weeks is a long time, but PA is a big state. And I know a lot of people there.

In an odd coincidence (I think the universe is laughing it’s a** off right now), the two weeks I requested off two months ago happen to be concurrent with a family reunion, a friend’s theater production, my sister’s soccer camp, a county fair, another friend’s business trip, my brother’s being in town, and VERY reasonable prices from Amtrak. So this all sounds as though the planets are aligned just right for me to get the most out of this trip. What is so hilarious to the universe, however, is that the planets aren’t just aligned; they’re right on top of each other. Four of these events happen in the same weekend. The other two involve the absence of two people I want to see for the first week of my vacation. If you could see my calendar, it would look like piles of colored bands, each its own event, stretching over those two glorious weeks of time off, all competing for my attention. iCal even had ellipses at one point because all the events just couldn’t fit on the days they were scheduled.

I also need some down time, a retreat to do some real thinking and planning. Hopefully, between my scrambles across the Keystone State, I’ll be able to take some time to sit still. I have a trip to Europe to think about, for heaven’s sake! I’d like to slow down for a bit to think about what I want, what will be important for me in the coming months. I REALLY need to cross some things off my to-do list.

Meanwhile, I’ve forgotten how much longer I’ll be living with Cabin-Fever, the Rabid Cat. I’ll probably still be in quarantine when my vacation starts.

Pennsylvania, here I come! Maybe I’ll see you there.


Monster Librarian said...

Huh. That a restful vacation. :) Make the most of your time home Friend. When do you leave? If you get bored with the Keystone state you are more than welcome to Amtrak your ass to the Great Lakes State...our pool is open!

tizzy said...

Hey Nathan... hope you have a restful vacation, I'm sure you could use one. I recommend marking out a few days for just you, it helps you get re-energized for work. 3 months is it now? How does it feel?

Anonymous said...

If you get everything in AND you were able to rest, you can come see me in Johnstown! Miss ya, would like to catch up in person and show you my town.

Monster Librarian said...

Nazate Dog-


Anonymous said...

well i'll be away so no pressure from here! my other half will even be away for a chunk of that time too.
just try and see the ones at home, course if you miss them, you may see some in oct ;-D

starpilgrim said...

Can you e-mail me your e-mail address? My address is my first name, a period, my middle initial (the first letter of the name on the sign above my front door -- the whole house name), a period, and my last name, all at the same place that your e-mail is at... and that's all lowercase. I have a request of you and I don't know how to get to you otherwise...
How's that for being cryptic?
