Friday, September 28, 2007

oh boy

My life is happening a lot these days. Not only am I planning, sending, reviewing, replanning, and wondering what I'm doing most of the time, I'm also trying to squeeze some more community life into the days I have left. Not an easy task.

So far, I'm not counting down 'the last things' yet, but I'm getting close.

I took a walk by the nearly-full moon last night with German #3 and our newest BVSer, Everybody's Little Sister. It was a beautiful night, balmy, slightly cloudy-- just enough for the moon's light to be diffused over the entire landscape. We walked from Main House to the gravel pit and back again, pausing several times to just stare in wonder at the giant glowing orb above our heads. I needed that little stroll to put some things back into perspective. Yes, I'm leaving and may not enjoy a night hike like that at the Farm again, but the moon shines everywhere. And I'll be getting to see it shine on me in Europe soon, as it'll be shining on my friends all over, too. My two companions were also examples of the courage I hope to tap when I leave. They've chosen to pick up for a year and be put somewhere unfamiliar. And in the midst of all my planning and fretting and running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off, I remembered that there are still quiet moments to be enjoyed here. Sometimes I need to stop and remember that I can still live here, up until the day I don't anymore.


Anonymous said...

I did the stroll to the gravel pit a couple weeks before I left, only alone and at sunset. It's a good way to get perspective. Take in as much as you can and you'll be ok.

Monster Librarian said...

Oh Friend...your last sentence was poetry, and made me sad. I hate my ovaries this week. *sigh*
