Tuesday, April 29, 2008

driving north

So, KT and I are planning a drive to Alaska. We’ve been decided on it for a couple of months now, but have just lately been hammering out the details. Well, as many details as she’s been letting me hammer out. I head out to meet her in Oregon in a week and then we hit the road as soon after that as we think we have our act together.

I’m not sure if I should be concerned, but since making my plans public to friends and family, I’ve been asked (at least) three times if I’ve seen the movie Into the Wild. And two of those instances definitely included the statement, “when I saw that, the main character just kept making me think of you.” Gulp.

Therefore, while it seems KT is content to throw a toothbrush and change of socks in the car and go, I’ve been feeling the need to do a little more thinking. I need all my ducks in a row—a compulsion I’m hoping to improve on a bit in this trip. It's been bad enough not wearing a wrist watch since mine broke on the Madrid Metro two months ago. In an attempt to get more of a grip on this expedition, we put together a packing list and have come up with a couple of resources for reference. The greatest thing I think we’ve had so far is everybody KT knows who has done this. She’s already mentioned how their comments have ranged from “oh, you’ll have such fun!” to, “you WILL be eaten by bears!” Hmm.

Another resource that seems almost intimidatingly comprehensive is The Milepost. This 800 page behemoth is updated yearly by its own team of field editors. Each page is packed with information ranging from border-crossing tips to ads for lodging and restaurants at every mile along the way. I’ve been trying to glean as many basics as possible only to find that it’s all basic—dependent upon which route we take and where we hope to stay. Yes, 800 pages of basics. This is what I get for wanting to be in control.

So, we leave soon and I need to get packing! While we’re definitely trying to look at this trip from the it’s-about-the-journey-not-the-destination perspective, I’d love to hear any suggestions for things to see and do once there and along the way! I have no idea what adventures lay between Oregon and Anchorage in the great, wide out-there. Well, I have a small idea. There will be dogsleds. And, of course, the bears.


Monster Librarian said...

my best bit of advice: "it’s-about-the-journey-not-the-destination."
No, seriously, though. Just enjoy yourself. Remind yourself along the way how FREAKING AMAZING it is that you are going to be able to say that you went from Spain to Alaska in under a year, you FREAKING GLOBETROTTER! ;)
Remind yourself that you are only young once and enjoy everything, using your senses so intensely that Walt Whitman would be jealous. It was Whitman who said, "I am for those who believe in loose delights, I share the midnight orgies of young men, I dance with the dancers and drink with the drinkers."
Try everything! (No, I am not advocating for orgies so much as life and new experiences...this may or may not include orgies. I leave that up to your sensible Catholic upbringing! ;)

TSOldtimer said...

Thanks, Monster. I'm looking forward to trying and seeing as much as I can! Let's hope I can just keep seeing what the universe is handing to me.

Mummy Dearest said...

Well now, lets not get carried away: the dude from Into the Wild kinda chose to kill himself out in the woods, alone, with the bears, eating poison berries. So as long as Kt doesn't let you do that, then I'd say you're more like a cousin of his.

My advice: Grizzlies are not joking. If you have to pull over in the middle of wind-swept tundra in the middle of Gods country and go poop, then make Kt come with you. God won't save you from the bears because he'll be too busy looking at the beautiful view -- just like you. But that bear, he's used to the view and when he sees you all he'll see is a giant sign saying "BUFFET".

I am SO PHSYCHED you're going to Alaksa. I was there in 1999 and think it is the most beautiful and captivating place I have visited. Just soak it up! And bring clean socks.

Amos said...

Can I just ditto everything Mummy Dearest said? That is hilarious...
